This week in ADED 1P32 our class
learned primarily about Wikis, which are online pages containing information
about a given topic that can be directly accessed and edited by peers. Wikis
allows for the convenient sharing of knowledge and are essentially a pool of
information, where individuals can collectively learn about areas of interest.
Wikis are more easily accessible than other tools in that some require explicit
permission for any posts to be made on the website. These restrictions are in
place to ensure the accuracy of the information provided on the webpage, but
for the trusting, Wikis are certainly a more convenient option.
Also this week was a lesson on the
rights and responsibilities a digital citizen has in their online environment.
While I tend to weigh more heavily on the importance of understanding one’s
responsibilities, I recognize that knowing what you should not be denied as a
citizen can also be extremely beneficial. In my concept map, as pictured below,
I include freedom of speech/expression as I consider it to be of particular
importance, as well as a variety of responsibilities I believe are of
This week in my reader I came
across an article detailing the positive effects of tea on heart health. This
caught my eye because I am actually a consultant for Steeped Tea incorporated,
and I realized that such a claim by medical professionals may be of further
support to my business. The authors claim that a cup of tea a day reduces the
risk of calcium build up in the arteries, and states that a recent study has
found that these individuals were 35 times less likely to suffer a heart
attack. I guess a cup of tea a day keeps the doctor away. And also the grave.
Bye for now.
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