Sunday, 13 March 2016

Technology Use Scenario #14

Technology Use Scenario #14:

Mr. Hutchinson wants to keep his students' parents aware of classroom activities. He remembers hearing about using Twitter posts at a technology conference. After doing some research, Mr. Hutchinson finds both positive and negative viewpoints related to using Twitter in the classroom. He believes that for what he wants to do- inform parents of their child's daily work- these posts would be appropriate. Before setting one up, however, he consults with the principal and technology support person to see if there are any legal issues. Both say that what he wants to do is perfectly okay. Mr. Hutchinson then sets up a professional Twitter account and informs his students and parents about where to find the information. Is social media a good way to share information? (Ribble, 2014)

Mr. Hutchinson's use of technology in this situation is entirely appropriate. He was thorough in establishing the safety and lawfulness of his choice, with special consideration to its professionalism. His method is not only convenient for students and their parents alike, ultimately allowing them to check on what is going on in the classroom without having to directly contact the instructor himself, but may also be beneficial to learning for his students. In my personal experience, if you make work seem like play, i.e. using something that is normally only used outside of the classroom to inform and seek opinions on learning activities, his students may take more interest in them. As long as Mr. Hutchinson's posts remain professional, and their is no inappropriate interaction with his students online, his method of informing parents is acceptable and efficient in the educational


  1. I agree with you that this situation is using technology appropriately. It seems as though the teacher made sure he is using Twitter lawfully and professionally so I think it is a great idea. It is convenient for students because a lot of them likely use Twitter as well.

  2. Hi Amy,

    I completely agree with you. I think that the technology in this situation is being used appropriately. I have had a teacher in the past use Twitter as a way to communicate about class outside of school. Since it was use appropriately and not for personal use, it was very beneficial to both the students and the teacher.

