Sunday, 24 January 2016

My Experience With RSS Feeds

Hello everyone!

I hope this week was as good to you as it was to me.
Well, by now I'm sure you've caught on to the theme of these posts, so I'm just going to jump right into the hard stuff.

This week in ADED1P32 we learned about RSS feeds, also known as Rich Site Summary or Real Simple Syndication. But, I'll save you the research and just say that RSS basically means notifications. You know, the kinds of notifications you receive when someone "likes" one of your Instagram photos, or comments on a video you shared of dancing puppies- only functional. These types of notifications are for blogs, or podcasts, or news websites that you keep up with but can't be bothered to check regularly. RSS is an incredible resource for busy individuals, as instead of having to frequently visit your favourite web addresses to see whether any new content has been published, you will be informed when it has so that you can view it at a time which is convenient for you (nifty, huh?).

In browsing my own personal reader this week, I came across an article published by Brock News regarding the discovery of a certain type of lizard called the tegu that creates warm blood for itself during its mating season. Now, normally I would be appalled by reptiles and lizards and basically anything that can live without warmth (why do I live in Canada?), but seeing as this particular creature is not 1) 3-dimensional and 2) is not an unnatural toxic waste colour, I not only respect this little guy (I've decided he should be called tegu Ted), but also would like to know his secret. Additionally, seeing as heat-production is a feature I myself look for in a man, I'm sure this tactic will be very successful with the lady lizards. Tegu Ted, I salute you. 

As you can probably tell, this reader (I use feedly) can be very effective in exposing you to content that you would normally not engage with and that will undoubtedly impress your parents at the dinner table. I would probably not have come across Tegu Ted on my Facebook newsfeed, for example. Online readers are a great way to keep up on current news and your favourite blog posts, and the podcasts you can access through it can be a great alternative to the rap you listen to on your way to school in the morning. But then again, anything is. 

Until next week at approximately 11:59 p.m., 


P.S. Don't be embarrassed about the dancing puppies. In fact, I think something's wrong with anyone who doesn't delight in freakish fluffy shenanigans.

P.P.S. Heat-production is not actually a feature I look for in a man.

P.P.P.S. To learn more about Tegu Ted's time in the spotlight, click below!

Media delivery, almost as good as pizza delivery... Almost.

Ted, you're being a little obvious, don't you think?

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