Sunday, 31 January 2016

Weekly Report and Reflection Blog Post #4

Hello everyone,

This week I would like to reflect upon an article that caught my eye on my reader this evening. It was published by the Huffington Post and titled, "New Study Finds Link Between Children of Divorce and Obesity". Naturally, this sparked some interest for me, as my parents are no longer together. It turns out that Norwegian scientists studied 3166 third graders based on their weight and the marital status of their biological parents. The results were astonishing: children of divorce are apparently 54 percent more likely to be what is considered "generally overweight"  and have an 89 percent greater chance of abdominal obesity than children whose parents are together.
While these results seem rather large, I suspect that there is some third variable influence in this case- but maybe I'm biased. Not only in my (clearly unprofessional) opinion do all kids go through a "fat stage" (see below), I also strongly believe that if that is not the root cause of this large difference, it may be due to an unbalanced routine or even hereditary thyroid issue. In any case, I'm not sure I can back the researchers on this one. And what's with all the fat shaming.

(Okay, I was maybe a bit larger than most)

This week I also learned about the usefulness of bookmarking items of interest using various web tools. On a program called Diigo, I was able to add various resources to a list and provide "tags" and descriptions as an efficient way of organizing my web-related thoughts, so to speak. I'm generally a pretty simple person when it comes to computer usage, and the idea of bookmarking had never occurred to me. If I wanted to read a blog, I would try to remember it and type it into google. If I wanted an academic resource, I would search it in an e-library. If I had come across something interesting and wanted to share the idea with somebody, I would summarize it to the best of my ability. The bookmark tools take me to another level. I can now send people my saved links, I can find things based on their tags, and all of my favourite resources are in a nice online folder *happy sigh*.  No longer do I lose my place when I log off, and no longer must I aggressively search for the source I argued that undoubtedly proves my point. Life is good.

I also discovered a curation tool called Google Alerts this evening. It is kind of like bookmarks but better. It provides you a broad range of topics, all in nice little categories for your choosing convenience, and then provides you with alerts (clever) that inform you when something has been posted on that topic. This would be a useful tool for anyone who is not particular savvy, as you can access all of your interests in one place, and it provides organization to your online presence. My boyfriend's father, because he is obsessed with fishing, and is on an endless search for the next big idea about how to catch the big one. Perhaps this would stop him from calling me asking about how to use the internet. :)

These new tools I have discovered could easily be incorporated into my PLE that I created in Week 2, and would probably fall under a cross between entertainment and academic-type resources. These tools are shaping me as a digital citizen in that I now have the capacity to stay better informed about my topics of interest, and thus can form an educated opinion on matters of importance.

Until next week folks,


Sunday, 24 January 2016

Weekly Reflection Post #3

Hello everyone,

I would like to formally welcome you to my second post of the night, where I will be summarizing yet another article that my fabulous Feedly has brought to my attention. While not quite as light and happy as Ted's achievements, this message is a gripping one, and perhaps one that we are still all too familiar with in the twentieth century. You may recall my previous post regarding RSS, and what a wonderful tool it can be to have the world (or at least your world) at your fingertips, and that claim is not lost on this editorial.

And now, without further ado, let me introduce you to.......(drumroll please)......... modern-day racism and blatant discrimination in the film industry!
And.... the crowd goes silent.
While not at all shocking to most, the article my reader presented to me this evening by the New York Times has captured a reality that is both dismal and alive for too many wonderful, talented individuals. The piece discussed a recent protest that had taken place as a result of there being exclusively Caucasian nominees for the Oscar acting awards for two consecutive years. While the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences made what they declared to be "radical" changes, claiming a goal to double the number of women and minority group members by 2020, Oscar balloting has yet to be discussed by the governing board.

While not necessarily an educational resource, this piece, as well as many New York Times articles has provided me with a message that I often consider to be infinitely more valuable than "Study Tips That Will Change Your Academic Career"-type posts, as I truly believe that interacting with real-world issues will change your life, and maybe even the world. I'm a bit dramatic, sure, but you can't help if you don't know what's wrong, and staying informed puts you one step closer to being able to address major issues in a profound way.

This article in particular reminded me that equality is still a fight, and women and minority members are still an afterthought. The very fact that an entire governing board of professionals has had to set a goal to make things fair proves to me that the system, our system, is corrupt. White-washing, which is the use of a white individual in movie productions to play a culturally diverse part, is just one example of this prejudice. Many individuals have been overlooked, forgotten and shunned in the film industry because of the colour of their skin, or their gender, and this modern-day discrimination has an effect that is lethal. Like a wolf in sheep's clothing, industries mask their distaste for minorities and women by putting a smile on their faces while they stab them in the back.

Get a feedly, get informed and involved!

Until next time,

To read the article, click below:

My Experience With RSS Feeds

Hello everyone!

I hope this week was as good to you as it was to me.
Well, by now I'm sure you've caught on to the theme of these posts, so I'm just going to jump right into the hard stuff.

This week in ADED1P32 we learned about RSS feeds, also known as Rich Site Summary or Real Simple Syndication. But, I'll save you the research and just say that RSS basically means notifications. You know, the kinds of notifications you receive when someone "likes" one of your Instagram photos, or comments on a video you shared of dancing puppies- only functional. These types of notifications are for blogs, or podcasts, or news websites that you keep up with but can't be bothered to check regularly. RSS is an incredible resource for busy individuals, as instead of having to frequently visit your favourite web addresses to see whether any new content has been published, you will be informed when it has so that you can view it at a time which is convenient for you (nifty, huh?).

In browsing my own personal reader this week, I came across an article published by Brock News regarding the discovery of a certain type of lizard called the tegu that creates warm blood for itself during its mating season. Now, normally I would be appalled by reptiles and lizards and basically anything that can live without warmth (why do I live in Canada?), but seeing as this particular creature is not 1) 3-dimensional and 2) is not an unnatural toxic waste colour, I not only respect this little guy (I've decided he should be called tegu Ted), but also would like to know his secret. Additionally, seeing as heat-production is a feature I myself look for in a man, I'm sure this tactic will be very successful with the lady lizards. Tegu Ted, I salute you. 

As you can probably tell, this reader (I use feedly) can be very effective in exposing you to content that you would normally not engage with and that will undoubtedly impress your parents at the dinner table. I would probably not have come across Tegu Ted on my Facebook newsfeed, for example. Online readers are a great way to keep up on current news and your favourite blog posts, and the podcasts you can access through it can be a great alternative to the rap you listen to on your way to school in the morning. But then again, anything is. 

Until next week at approximately 11:59 p.m., 


P.S. Don't be embarrassed about the dancing puppies. In fact, I think something's wrong with anyone who doesn't delight in freakish fluffy shenanigans.

P.P.S. Heat-production is not actually a feature I look for in a man.

P.P.P.S. To learn more about Tegu Ted's time in the spotlight, click below!

Media delivery, almost as good as pizza delivery... Almost.

Ted, you're being a little obvious, don't you think?

Sunday, 17 January 2016

Weekly Reflection Post #2- PLEs, Wordles and Life Goals, Oh My!

Good evening everyone,
I hope you had a fabulous weekend and are settling down with some hot chocolate and fuzzy pajamas right about now, mentally preparing yourself for another work/school week.
In case you were wondering, my week was an all-over successful one; my first ever Polaroid camera came in the mail, and I learned about how to increase my academic growth through the proper understanding and use of my Personal Learning Environment (PLE). You can probably guess which one we are going to be talking about today (Hint: It isn’t on Taylor Swift’s most recent album cover).

So, without further ado, let us jump right into what PLEs are all about. A personal learning environment refers to the use of online educational and social tools that allow for the self-regulated enhancement of individualistic and collective learning efforts. It is essentially a digital venue for learners to set and reach goals in a supportive and unrestricted environment, with a flexible schedule. Or, in human words, the applications and programs that people use to build connections and expand knowledge in a digital context.
No two people will have exactly the same PLE, as we not only vary in our interests, but also in our learning styles. For example, some individuals may be frequent “how-to” blog readers, and find that they learn well from written instruction, while others may prefer to watch tutorials on Youtube. In any case, the customizable PLEs encourage interaction within the Personal Learning Network (PLN), the online communities that media users are involved in, as well as provide an ever-expanding source of insight for media users. I have created a diagram of my own PLE on Poplett, and have it displayed below for you to see.
 Holliday, A. CC (2016). 
 As you have probably noticed, I have referenced a wide array of academic resources in my PLE diagram, most of which I consider to be essential tools for my academic maturation. However, while important, those sources alone will not facilitate my personal growth satisfactorily. I have what some may consider high aspirations for the not-so-distant future and as such, require mental and social stimulation of varying degrees. In five to ten years time, I aspire to be established as a (hopefully employed) Clinical Psychologist with a husband and child(ren), as well as have my first book published, which I am currently in the process of writing. For me to accomplish these very optimistic goals, my PLE needs to include a variety of resources that may not apply to many others, such as a Kindle (the more you read, the better you write, right?), and Prezi, which will be important for the creation of vibrant and original class presentations as I progress in my degree. I will also likely need to create a media presence for myself on professional forums such as LinkedIn, and perhaps become a social blogger in order to establish an Internet personality so as to encourage blog followers to read my book.

In order to make such changes, I may need to alter my learning environment and eliminate, or at least lessen distractions. Setting a schedule for how much time I will dedicate to each area of my PLE in a day may produce a more balanced schedule and allow me to focus more deeply on my personal goals. This schedule may also help me to avoid academic issues such as procrastination (did I mention that it’s 11:43 on Sunday night?) and encourage me to limit my Netflix time to one episode of Gilmore Girls per day instead of approximately 44 (just kidding… sort of).

Another important tool we learned about in this week's activities was the function of word clouds. Not only are they an aesthetically pleasing way to present information, they effectively summarize and draw attention to the main concepts of blog posts. I used Wordle for my word cloud as I enjoyed its professional appeal and found it to be easier to use than other generators I had searched online, not to mention the fact that it looks like a foot when it is presented horizontally (coincidence, I think not). Anyways, that's all for this week everyone, I'll catch you next Sunday night!
Holliday, A. CC (2016).

Sunday, 10 January 2016

Digital Driver's License -Navigate With Care

The Digital Driver's License (DDL), used to evaluate just how well-versed individuals are in proper online conduct, revealed some startling news to me. I truly believed that I was a well-rounded, functioning social citizen when it came to online forums before taking the exam. I scored an 18/20, which, for all intents and purposes is a good score (a 90% to be exact). But what was particularly surprising about this outcome is not the grade itself, but the areas in which I did poorly: Digital Health and Wellness and Digital Law. Downloading music and television from the Internet has become so integrated in my lifestyle that I have failed to recognize the effects and the implications of engaging in such behaviour. Additionally, I have allowed media to have control over, and interfere with many of my relationships.
Ultimately, this test, and this week's activities have informed me about what being a responsible Digital Citizen really means, and have challenged me to be more cautious and considerate when posting my opinions in an online setting

Reflection Post- Week 1 "Be Careful What You Click For"

The primary focus of this week's activities is the technological mark we make as humans, referred to as the digital footprint. As the name implies, a digital footprint is essentially the trail an individual leaves on the internet in their lifetime. As such, it can consist of personal correspondence, such as emails, instant messaging, and other forms of social media, as well as posts others make referring to that particular individual. 

Personally, I consider a digital footprint to be functional, if not inevitable. It can be useful in a variety of contexts, both professional and personal, and yield a wide range of social benefits. Programs such as LinkedIn offer individuals an opportunity to present themselves as qualified and polished to prospective employers and as such, provides them with a social connection without the demands of meeting face-to-face. However, what some individuals fail to consider while subconsciously forming their digital footprint, is that employers, relatives and the like often have access to other media outlets in which they are more expressive, and subsequently less discrete. 

While I believe that the Internet should be a forum for self-expression, I feel that it is necessary to adhere to certain social norms when engaging with others online. Albion's "Core Rules for Netiquette" summarizes these standards efficiently, stating that the same rules should apply for online behaviour as do in the 3-dimensional world (Albion, 2011). While values and morals will vary between individuals to a certain extent, I agree with this claim, and believe that it can be beneficial for social media users to consider how they may be perceived by others before posting opinions, as when the wrong things are shared online, there are often very negative implications for the user as well as the subsequent consumers of that message. Asking themselves questions like, "Would my pastor appreciate this?", and "Will my future job prospects overlook me because of this post?" before publishing ideas or arguments on the Internet may reduce such risks. It is not at all uncommon or difficult for employers to search for applicants on social media outlets such as Facebook prior to hiring, as I discovered through completing the Digital Footprint Scavenger Hunt, available at When I searched for myself online, my Facebook profile was readily available to whomever may choose to view it, and in fact, my current employer even admitted to doing so before offering me the position at the company.

That being said, not all social media applications necessarily need to be linked to the individual as a member of society. Blogs such as tumblr and Pinterest can allow individuals to adopt an online personality separate from their personal identity. Such outlets facilitate reasonably uninhibited expression, often among strangers, and should be considered as an alternative to Facebook and Twitter for sharing controversial opinions. However, the rules of etiquette should still apply, I believe with particularly attention to the humanity of other users, to avoid cyber-bullying, and make for a safe, comfortable social environment in which people can share their thoughts and opinions with respect for one another. 


Hello everyone,

My name is Amy Holliday. First of all, I would like to sincerely welcome you to my blog. I am overjoyed to have been given the opportunity to share some information about technology and its influence on society with you, but before we get into some educational information, I would like to introduce you to who I am, as both a student and as a person. 

Let us start with my roots. I am from a town about three hours North of St. Catharines called Walkerton. Most people recognize the name due to the water crisis, which took place there about 15 years ago. However, despite its reputation, I always look forward to my visits home, and consider myself to be a small town girl. As such, moving away was a challenge of epic proportions for me, and in my first year of post-secondary education, you could often find me crying over burnt dinners and wandering around school feeling lost beyond belief and wondering how I would ever make it out of University alive.

Yet, here I am. I am currently in my second year as a Psychology Major at Brock University. I had originally planned to go into Criminology, but very quickly realized that I neither had the heart nor the stomach for that line of work. I decided that lifting others up was what I was being drawn to, and quickly accepted that a general Psychology degree would be most fitted to my personality. Thus far, the Psychology program at Brock has both challenged me as well as motivated me to reach beyond my perceived limits. 

One such limit is social isolation. I consider myself to be an introvert. I enjoy reading, writing, watching television, Bible journaling, knitting- all activities which do not require feedback from other individuals (my knitted scarves don't usually judge me for missing a stitch). To overcome this obstacle, I chose to step outside of my usual boundaries this year, and became a consultant for Steeped Tea incorporated. This title requires me to present products at social gatherings, advertise on social media, and lead teams of new consultants. The position at Steeped tea, as well as my growing faith has allowed me to become more comfortable in social situations, and thus led to my enrolment in courses which facilitate communication with other students, such as ADED 1P32. Now, instead of being afraid, I am looking forward to seeing what 2016 has in store for me, and am excited to learn more about how technology can change the way I interact with others. So I would like to
thank you for coming along on this journey with me, and I hope that you will learn something valuable from my subsequent blog posts in the next twelve weeks. 

Until next time,

 Amy Holliday